Fellow teamRDYK clashers! It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know all of you .. It really has. I have a deep found respect for those of you that I’ve gotten to know over these years. You are all going to do big things in big ways in this life – In real life – I can tell. Everyone I encountered is so determined to accomplish their goals – So many goals – And I truly wish and hope that all of your dreams come true, and that your life is filled with good. Will there be bad times? Yes.. Undoubtedly. But I also know how strong you all are. And I know that you know struggle is a natural part of life.
I say this with the utmost sincerity: Thank YOU for being my friend.
We had fun. Friends were made. What a truly awesome experience and I want to thank everyone who helped create that. I hope you guys had as much fun as I did.
At our best we had over 25 clans across multiple Supercell games. Man it was a blast hanging in the #lobby and just shooting the shit with everyone. Getting to know fellow Clashers. The beauty was in the fact it was Global, and that friendship can stretch across nations, ethnicities, genders, all through a common bond of enjoying the Clash universe together. And man it was awesome to play and meet everyone.
We ran successful events. We had processes. We had hierarchial structure. We. Had. Fun.
Man it was awesome.
This post is not to say that teamRDYK is dead, or going away. No. This post is to express the understanding that is the ebb and flows of all things. From simple beginnings we became something larger, and from something larger we naturally come back to simplicity. Like a deep breath. Inhale…. Exhale…. Breathe. 🙂
We are still nine clans strong and I thank you guys for continuing to be a part of that.
I thank everyone, past and present. It was truly a wonderful experience to be a part of. I hope you guys felt the same way too.
We are still clashing. We are still going. But this is to officially recognize our scale is reduced, the administration is much more relaxed. We’re no longer actively pursuing aggressive growth.. No, we’re instead pursuing what we have loved from the start: Firing up Clash, smashing Town Halls, chatting with each other, and just enjoying a break from reality.
Salute to all of you. Let the good times roll. I cannot express my appreciation and gratitude for meeting all of you.